Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Eye Trailer

Argument: The movie Red Eye is a top choice for ALL movie watchers because Red Eye includes various styles of film-making such as drama, adventure, romance, and horror.
Audience: Red Eye is rated PG-13, which means teenagers are able to watch it. They are included in the intended audience. I don't know if families would watch this movie together, but many couples enjoy going to suspense-filled movies, like Red Eye.
Goal: The structure of this trailer is not very fluid. There are a lot of bits and pieces (drama, romance, adventure, etc.) that don't connect. Those who made this trailer want the viewers to attach to a certain part of the trailer, so that they will come to the theater when it comes out.
How? The makers don't give too much of the movie away. This short trailer portrays a sufficient amount of the movie's content. After watching the trailer you still don't know the entire plot, but it grabs your attention. They do this by using a great deal of pathos, relating to the viewers' reactions to romance, terror, and mystery.
Effective? Very effective. A lot of people have experienced meeting strangers, waiting in long lines at the airport, and flying aboard airplanes. It is a setting, we the viewers, can relate to. There is a obviously a twist to this girl's travel experience and the makers of this trailer do an excellent job of making this flick a "must see."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Source for Paper B

'I Can' by Nas

Argument: What are the consequences of goal-oriented children, who grew up in the ghetto, on their own success as individuals? Children (from the hood) who aspire to accomplish meaningful goals will be successful in whatever they pursue because they have learned to overcome different challenges.
Audience: Nas, the musician, speaks directly to his audience--young kids, who are growing up in impoverished environments.
Goal: Nas wants his audience to recognize the negative things that surround them, but he encourages them to rise above those issues to be successful in worthwhile pursuits. He wants them to know that they can do whatever they put their minds to if they work hard and avoid evil distractions.
How? Nas puts himself on the same level of the children. He uses stories from history and his own personal experience to relate his message. These stories are accurate and include a great deal of pathos. He describes the affect drugs had on a very talented girl. While this story is sad, he also uses a story to motivate his audience to succeed. This story talks of Africans who were extremely successful within the political and economical world. Nas' audience can emotionally relate and connect to non-fictional examples like these.
Effective? Although Nas and his audience might live in different circumstances, the stories and messages that are shared in this song allows the musician and his audience to build a relationship. Nas uses understanding of his audience to encourage them to be whatever it is that they want to be. Due to this relationship and understanding, Nas is able to effectively encourage children to aspire higher.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Encounter at the Body Shop

OK. A friend and I went to the Body Shop, looking to buy a present for my mother. We went and asked an female employee (mid-20's) what she thought we should get for her. What follows are parts of the conversation we had and my analysis about how well she went about convincing us about her products.
Argument: There were multiple arguments that she made, including what I should get for my mother for her birthday, but I want to focus on the argument she made about why her store was better than the other similar stores in the mall. What are the consequences of shopping at the Body Shop? Shopping at the Body Shop is better than shopping at Bath and Body Works because Bath and Body Works do not have ethical standards.
Audience: My friend and I were the audience. My friend (a female) knew much more about their products than I did, but I was the one there to buy something.
Goal: After I had committed to buy something, the employee continued our conversation by talking about the advantages of shopping at the Body Shop, opposed to shopping at Bath and Body Works. My guess is that she wanted to ensure that we would continue to shop for products at their store in the future.
How? She used a great deal of pathos in her persuasion. She went on about how Bath and Body Works tests their products on animals and described how harmful some of the products are to the environment. Had I been wearing my tie-died t-shirt and been rocking the long hair I could see how she might think that I actually cared about those issues. Her argument was not relevant to me. I went to buy a present for my mother. I had done so and wanted to leave, but she was persistent. She had given me more than I wanted to know. I think she noticed that I was irritated with all the facts when she blamed her "outburst" on the Mountain Dew she had drank earlier. Bad form.
Effective? Obviously, she was successful because I bought something from the store. But, I don't know if she convinced me to ever go back. Especially if I have to go back to smell every smell known to man, while being trounced with unwanted information.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Visual Art-'Hope'

1. What are the effects of Barrack Obama's presidency on the hope of the American people? President Obama leading America will instill hope in the hearts of the American people because his leadership will focus on the future of this country.
2. The audience includes all Americans, especially those who haven't found hope in the midst of past political or economical issues that have come up within the country.
3. Shepard Fairey, who illustrated this poster, wants the viewer to see the hope for a better future that can come through President Obama and the government of the United States.
4. President Obama, portrayed with a confident, relaxed expression, looks beyond the angle of the viewer to something we can't see (perhaps the future of our country). While he does look calm and composed, there is a sense of seriousness shown in this picture, which helps show the ethos used by the illustrator. President Obama's face, the patriotic colors used, and the simplicity also appeals to authority and seems to relate a sense of urgency for us to accept President Obama's policies so that we can have hope for a better future. This poster came out at a time when the American people were suffering economical crisis and concerns with political issues. Its message is very much relevant to those concerned with resolving problems from the past and moving forward.
5. Not only is it relevant, but it is effective in linking the leadership of President Obama to the hope we can have as citizens of the United States of America. Judging by this poster alone, America has a bright future. Thanks Obama. You got my vote.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Source for Paper A

Live in Obedience by Joseph B. Wirthlin

1. What are the consequences of obedience on young men in the Aaronic Priesthood. Being obedient to the laws of the gospel will enable you to avoid the sin that surrounds you, because being obedient will make you better in all that you do, "whether it be your activity in the Church, your family, education, business, profession, science, athletics, or any other worthwhile endeavor."

2. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin speaks directly to Aaronic Priesthood holders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This was his message in the 1994 Priesthood Conference broadcast to men in the church all over the world.

3. Elder Wirthlin wants young men to understand the importance of being obedient to counsel given by God, church leaders, and parents. Despite the trials and temptations we face, he states that if we are obedient, then we can succeed in this life and return to our Father in Heaven. For example, he says, "If you will be obedient bearers of the Aaronic Priesthood, I can promise you that by the time you are an ordained elder in the Melchizedek Priesthood, you will be ready to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as a missionary boldly and persuasively."

4. Elder Wirthlin's talk is relevant to young Aaronic Priesthood holders. Young men, within the LDS church, are expected to serve honorable missions, become good fathers, and serve as leaders in society. How to go about accomplishing these things will become important to young priesthood holders. Elder Wirthlin uses pathos to express his views about how you can do this. He uses engaging stories to capture his audience's attention, and allows them to reflect on feelings they had had when they were obedient.

5. It is an influential, effective talk that motivates young people to change for the better. He addresses the negative effects of being disobedient, and then offers ways to become more obedient, successful people. Something we all have interest in.