Saturday, November 14, 2009

Music Video (Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror)

1. Argument: Each of us in fortunate situations can help make the world a better place because each of us can find ways to change ourselves and those around us who are deprived of the things that we enjoy.
2. Audience: This song is directed towards "the man in the mirror," who is in a position to help those around them. This would include all people, because everyone can do something to help another.
3. Goal? Michael Jackson, along with the makers of this movie, want us to recognize that we need to help others. They specifically focus on the economic and ethical struggles that we have seen throughout world. Real struggles from the past and present are shown in this music video to encourage people to find ways to bring unity and freedom to those who are victims of trying situations.
4. How? There is a great deal of pathos in this video. Each scene portrays a visual emotion relating to those who have been victims of struggle or who have done something to affect the overall well-being of those around them. For example, starving kids in Africa, Martin Luther King, and Hitler are among those who are shown to remind us of the negative or positive affects we can have on each other. It is an extremely accurate video. There are no special affects, talented dancers, or anything that distracts from the message of the video. Real clips from real life are used to portray the lyrics of this inspiring song. Michael Jackson, himself, doesn't even make an appearance of in the video.
5. Effective? It is effective. Anyone with a conscience would see this video and walk away with a desire to do more for those around them--family, friends, and strangers. Thanks MJ. R.I.P.

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